Store Circular

WAGS or Walgreens Coupons
Those are coupons in the weekly circular. You only need one coupon for the all items, e.g. last week Walgreens coupons for Dawn Dish Liquid in the circular for $.99. I bought two of those since I had two other MFQ but only had to use one Walgreen Coupon. I don't cut those coupons out anymore but show the cashier the paper.

EasySaver Catalog Coupons
This catalog full of coupons can be found in the store. Those are in-store coupons and can be combined with MFQ's. Usually you can only do one transactions per coupon so I recommend to do multiple transactions if you need more than one of that item.

Register Rewards (RR)
Register Rewards are manufacturer coupons that print out with your receipt. When you purchase an item that will earn you RR's you can use coupons. And you can use those RR's for other items that will earn you you RR's but not one the same item, e.g. when you buy Schick Razor and earn $3 RR's. Next you will buy some Exedrin, you use those $3 RR's and earn let's say $4 RR's. You can not use those RR's to buy more Razors and earn more RR's on that. I'm not sure what will happen but I assume they just won't print.

EasySaver Rebates
In the back part of the EasySaver Catalog you will find the EasySaver Rebates. Usually those are good for the entire month but check the dates just to be save. If you buy certain items you have a good chance to get those for free with those rebates. To get your rebate simply submit the form online or mail it in. I do it online because it's a lot quicker. They have 2 options on how to get your rebate. You can have a check mailed to you or you can have the rebate put on a Walgreens gift card. If you choose the second option Walgreens will give you an additional 10%. Use coupons on those rebates to maximize your savings.


My Store
1009 N 9TH St
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
M-F : 08:00 AM-10:00 PM
Sat : 08:00 AM-10:00 PM
Sun : 08:00 AM-10:00 PM


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